Insides & News

2025: Ein Jahr voller Energie, Eleganz und astrologischer Magie
Das Jahr 2025 wird für Liebhaber von Edelsteinen und Schmuck ein spannendes Jahr voller Möglichkeiten. Lass Dich von der Astrologie inspirieren und entdecke Schmuckstücke, die zu Dir und den Energi...
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Der Dezember ist ein Monat voller Magie und festlicher Stimmung. Es ist der Monat, der von den Geburtssteinen Tanzanit und Zirkon geprägt wird – zwei Edelsteinen, die nicht nur durch ihre atemberau...
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Green Friday: A sustainable counterpoint to Black Friday
Black Friday has now become a global phenomenon, celebrated annually on the Friday after American Thanksgiving. Originally, this day was established as the start of the Christmas shopping season. R...
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Die Kraft des Topas: Der Geburtsstein für Kreativität und Freundschaft im November
Der November ist nicht nur der Monat der fallenden Blätter und der gemütlichen Abende, sondern auch der Monat, der durch seinen Geburtsstein, den Topas, geprägt ist. Dieser faszinierende Stein ha...
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"October Birthstones: The Magic of Opal and Tourmaline"
The month of October is a very special one because it is marked by two fascinating birthstones: the opal and the tourmaline. These gemstones are not only beautiful to look at, but also have a deep ...
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The fascinating world of antique jewellery: A journey through the most important eras
Antique jewelry is more than just a fashion accessory - it tells stories, reflects the art and culture of times gone by and fascinates with its craftsmanship. In this blog post, we take you on a j...
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Shiny traditions: the historical connection between Easter and jewelry
Easter, a festival full of traditions and symbolism, combines religious meanings with spring celebrations. While many of us think of Easter eggs, chocolate rabbits and family gatherings tod...
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The Aquamarin: Mistory of Major and its influence on mind and body
Birth stones have been a fascinating part of different cultures worldwide for centuries. They are assigned every month of the year and should give those who were born in the respective month to giv...
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Broschen - timeless elegance and creativity
Today I would like to talk to you about an accessory that has enchanted the world of fashion for centuries - the brooch. Let us take a look at the fascinating story of these small pieces of jewelr...
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Discover the radiant beauty of the grenate: the birth stone of January
Welcome to January - the beginning of a new year full of opportunities, hopes and renovations! This month the stage is dominated by a truly dazzling gemstone: the grenade. The grenade, with its dee...
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